Laboratory Chemicals With L

Lab Cleaning Solution | Lemon Grass Oil |
Lactophenol Cotton Blue Solution | Lemon Oil |
Lactophenol Solution | L-Leucine 99+% |
Lactose | Light Green (C.I. No. 42095) |
Lanoline Anhydrous | Light Green Solution |
Lanthanum Acetate GR 99% | Lime Oil |
Lanthanum Carbonate GR 99% | Lime Water |
Lanthanum Chloride GR 99% | Linseed Oil (Double Boiled) |
Lanthanum Hydroxide GR 99% | Liquid Paraffin Heavy |
Lanthanum Nitrate GR 99% | Liquid Paraffin Light |
Lanthanum Oxalate GR 99% | Lissamine Green B (C.I.44025) |
Lanthanum Oxide GR 99% | Lithium Acetate |
Lanthanum Sulphate GR 99% | Lithium Aluminuim Hydride |
Lead (Metal) Foil | di-Lithium Borate Tetra GR |
Lead (Metal) Granular | Lithium Bromide Anhydrous |
Lead (Metal) Powder | Lithium Carbonate |
Lead (Metal) Shots | Lithium Chlorate |
Lead Acetate | Lithium Chloride Anhydrous |
Lead Acetate Paper | Lithium Chromate |
Lead Arsenate | tri-Lithium Citrate GR |
Lead Arsenite | Lithium Fluoride |
Lead Borate | Lithium Hydroxide (Mono) |
Lead Bromide | Lithium Lactate |
Lead Carbonate | Lithium Metaborate (Anhy.) |
Lead Chloride | Lithium Metal |
Lead Chromate | Lithium Nitrate |
Lead Fluoride | Lithium Oxalate |
Lead Iodide | Lithium Perchlorate |
Lead Nitrate | Lithium Stearate |
Lead Oxalate | Lithium Sulphate |
Lead Oxide Red | di-Lithium Tetraborate GR |
Lead Oxide Yellow | Litmus Blue Paper |
Lead Peroxide (Lead Dioxide) | Litmus Granular |
Lead Phosphate | Litmus Red / Blue Solution |
Lead Sub-Acetate | Litmus Red Paper |
Lead Sulphate | Liver Extract Paste |
Lead Sulphide | Liver Extract Powder |
Lead Sulphite | L-L-Proline |
Lead Tartrate | L-L-Serine (For Biochemistry) |
Lead Tetra Acetate GR | L-L-Tyrosine |
Lead Thiosulphate | Lugol's Iodine Solution |
Leishman's Stain Powder | L-Lysine Monohydrochloride |
Leishman's Stain Solution | Lysol (Ready to Use 2%) |
For requirements of any other Laboratory Chemicals in Allahabad, please mail us at Or else call us on our Mobile No. +91-9312871070 OR 9911130697.